We understand the unique pressures performers in the talent-based music, media, film, theatre and sports industries face and offer a focused service to assist you in dealing with their legal requirements.
We can assist recording artists and companies, actors, sports people, TV and filmmakers.
We have the ability to quickly get to grips with new businesses and provide holistic solutions to clients, retaining a sense of practical legal and commercial advice.
With particular expertise in television and film, our lawyers and advisers have advised on thousands of hours of programmes and films over the last three decades, across all genres, from comedy and light entertainment to the most legally complex undercover investigations and everything in between.
Civil Litigation in India has considerably changed over time and with the new Commercial Courts Act being introduced.
Read moreCriminal litigation is the core practice at my law offices and we are involved in every stage of the litigation.
Read moreWhite collar crimes and offences under special criminal statues by their very nature need a more careful approach.
Read moreThe Arbitration and Conciliation Amendment Act (AC(A)A 2019) has brought about several positive changes.
Read moreScams of the recent past be it the Satyam scam or Nirav Modi-PNB rip-off or even the proceedings against IL&FS.
Read moreWe also act for individuals who are considering their options with regards to their financial position and we can assess.
Read moreWe understand the unique pressures performers in the talent-based music, media, film, theatre and sports industries face.
Read moreEngaging with different regulatory bodies, including MoF, DoCA, DPIIT, RBI, SEBI, BIS, DGFT, and others effectively
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